Thursday 13 June 2013

Fan Mail!


I am a fan obviously. Have been for quite some time. I enjoy how diverse and creative you are and your humor is infectious. I've never reached out like this to anyone even remotely famous do to the fact that most people of your caliber are close minded but you don't seem like that at all. You interact with your fans. You share your real life with people you don't even know with out worrying about the prejudice or the slander that can come with that. I applaud your fearlessness and I simply wanted to say hello to allow you to become familiar with at least one fan who absolutely enjoys your openness.


This made my day Smitty! First you called me remotely famous!!! (Yes!!! I've finally made it!! My ego thanks you!!)
The end.

Just kidding. ;)

What I loved about Vlogger Fair last weekend is that it gave me an opportunity to open my mouth! 
So many people were staring - to the point where even Josh Rimer was feeling awkward being seen with me. People were pointing their cameras at me and looking away like I wouldn't notice. Ugh :(
But I took the opportunity to talk to people. I just Walked up to the awkwardly placed cameras and said
The people busted "secretly" aiming their cameras at me ended up chatting the night away with me!
And in the end, those people were awesome!!!! Way cooler than I originally expected ;) (and I hope they'd say the same about me)

In general they don't know how funny they look when they try to sneak pics. I never say no to pictures. I know that my boobs are considered a novelty item to most people. And i know I'm easily recognizable. So just take a deep breath an ask for a photo. I promise I won't bite. (That's costs extra) ;)

I share my real life online cause... Well, why the hell not! I'm NOT so special that the daily crazy events I experience are only happening to me. If we share our stories and speak up, maybe just maybe, other people who are having similar experiences won't feel alone. 
The world is small and we're all in this together. I welcome our similarities. 

Everyone has a story and I bet yours is amazing!

If we stop judging each other and just say Hi we'll find out that the world is a much friendlier place than we expected. 

And... How can you learn from my mistakes if I never tell you about them ;)